Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Christmas Photos

Here are two of the pics that I have from Christmas. Mom and Marnee took most of the pictures, but I thought I would share these. This is a result of taking my camera out and Ryan posing right when he saw the camera. Parker got jealous that we were taking pictures of Ryan so he decided to be a model as well.
Marnee - I'm not sure why your pictures took so long to upload. It only took me about 10 seconds to upload both of these. Your pictures may have been larger than mine. The limit is 8 MB and you can upload them to show as small, medium, or large and then resize them/replace them anyway you want once they are uploaded. The picture size stays the same. You can just click on the picture and see the full size picture. You can also save the pictures that way if you want. Uploading all of your Christmas pictures might be extreme, but it says it can handle however many you want to upload.